Home remedies to lose weight naturally

Ayurveda Experts Dr.Dixa Bhavsar

More people are overweight today than ever before. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by eating fatty foods, taking undue stress, not exercising regularly, and not resting well are the major causes for being overweight or obese. As a result, the incidence of obesity is increasing faster in India than in rest of the world. 


Obesity is the condition when you accumulate a harmful amount of fat in your body. Fat in excessive amounts can put most of your organs and bones in danger. In other words, obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases your risk of various health problems. It is also responsible for hormonal changes (an imbalance in your body's hormones, the carriers of chemical messengers to various tissues and organs) resulting in the inflammation (swelling and redness) of your body. 


Obesity is generally caused by eating too much and moving too little i.e., by leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you consume high amounts of fatty and sugar foods but do not burn off the energy through exercise and physical activity, all the surplus energy will be stored by your body as fat. 


If you are struggling to get rid of those pesky kilos, all you have to do is scan your kitchen for some easily available ingredients that will make your weight loss journey smoother. Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar suggests effective home remedies to burn fat and lose weight naturally. 


* Green tea 


It is rich in caffeine which helps in stimulating your body to burn fat and improving exercise performance. It is high in antioxidants, also known as catechins which are useful in boosting metabolism. It contains an ingredient called theanine which is a type of amino acid that is effective in relaxing and calming the mind and this, in turn, reduce stress. Drinking green tea beat the fat and help you lose weight. 


* Cinnamon


It has been used for years to reduce weight and especially recommended to people who suffer from metabolic disorders ( disorders that occur when some organs like liver or pancreas become diseased and stop functioning normally). Cinnamon can help in overall weight loss plan. Its effect on blood glucose levels can also help your body ultimately lose weight. 


* Warm Water 


Staying hydrated is the ideal way to keep your body weight in check. Warm water boosts your body's metabolism. Hence, drinking warm water right in the morning is advised by many..."When we drink warm water, our body switches its temperature and activates the metabolism. This help lose weight. Warm water also breaks down body fat into molecules, making it easy for the digestive system to burn it. 


* Lemon 


Lemon water is a beverage made from water mixed with fresh lemon juice, it can be enjoyed either hot or cold. It is also help promote weight loss. One lemon with warm water on empty stomach works super well. 


* Cumin water


It is also known as Jeera, a spice which is used in our dishes to enhance the taste. Cumin has the ability to speed up your weight loss process. It is an effective weight loss remedy. You can lose fat from your belly as well as your whole body within just 15-20 days by drinking cumin water daily. It can help in burning calories faster by increasing the speed of metabolism and improving digestion. 


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